June 6, 2024: 60 Years of History


On June 6, 2024, we celebrate 60 years since the birth of Riccoboni.

The Group's history is also that of a family and the continuous pursuit of a better perspective: a determination that has led, over the years, to the constant search for innovative solutions for environmental management.

The story began in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines in 1964, as a small company active in road construction work.

As early as the mid-1970s, the company turned its attention to the environmental management sector, then in its infancy in Italy, developing and proposing the first mobile plants for the treatment of drilling muds.

For 60 years we have been putting the same commitment into integrated environmental management, the treatment and disposal of special waste and the remediation of contaminated sites. Through our specialized companies, we offer concrete and sustainable solutions inspired by the principles of the circular economy.

Riccoboni bases its actions on the principles of seriousness and concreteness, in order to offer its customers services that are always carried out to the highest standards and capable of generating the maximum positive impact on the environment, without compromise.

For this reason, Riccoboni's governance is based on fundamental values that have guided the company's development since its origins: human capital, innovation, safety and sustainability.
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